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The Corn Palace Mitchell

Look, my liege! Shut up! Will you shut up?! What a strange person. But you are dressed as one…I blow my nose at you, so-called Ah-thoor Keeng, you and all […]

Provide Pure Water And Fresh Food For Syrian

Musee D’Orsay Paris

I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base. What?! I care. So, what do you think of her, Han? […]

Help Charities Without Leaving Home

Winchester Mystery House San Jose

I've done everything the Bible says — even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff! Our differences are only skin deep, but our sames go down to the bone. And […]

Excitement From A Quote About Charity

San Diego Zoo San Diego

Dear Mr. President, There are too many states nowadays. Please, eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot. You don't win friends with salad. I'm a Spalding Gray in a […]

Excitement From A Quote About Charity

Winchester Mystery House San Jose

What's the point of going out? We're just going to wind up back here anyway. I'm going to the back seat of my car, with the woman I love, and […]


UK Will Have School Lesson

Krispy Kreme St. Louis

Why do you think that she is a witch? He hasn't got stuff all over him. Well, I didn't vote for you. A newt? Look, my liege! I don't want […]